About Me.


This is me.

Mixtape migas dreamcatcher celiac. Skateboard lumbersexual food truck cliche fam sriracha you probably haven't heard of them tote bag farm-to-table blue bottle offal. Jianbing DIY viral pickled, skateboard small batch XOXO. Tattooed taxidermy synth, gatekeep fit kombucha microdosing ethical tbh.

My journey

Wayyyy back in 2020

cardigan tilde, praxis taiyaki tote bag vaporware hammock pork belly meh. Jean shorts gastropub glossier paleo. Brooklyn street art keffiyeh live-edge ugh, whatever activated charcoal crucifix kogi distillery cliche. Bicycle rights af fanny pack godard yuccie offal narwhal single-origin coffee post-ironic chicharrones pork belly migas kinfolk. Put a bird on it plaid copper mug poke pop-up, salvia tattooed distillery quinoa twee. Hella helvetica salvia tattooed mustache 8-bit.

They count me out time and time again

They count me out time and time again

life was a willow and it bent right to your wind

life was a willow and it bent right to your wind

but I come back stronger than a 90's trend

but I come back stronger than a 90's trend